Workers Compensation Insurance: What You Need to Know

Workers Compensation Insurance: What it Covers and What it Doesn’t

Utilization Review (UR) | Workers Compensation | Workers Compensation
July 13, 2022
workers compensation insurance

Let’s face it – working in a warehouse or factory can be dangerous. Workers can easily get injured and not just from moving boxes or lifting heavy objects. There is also the risk of getting cut, burned, hit by a forklift, or any number of other hazards that come with the territory. Workers compensation insurance covers you if you get hurt on the job. It is a third-party insurance that helps pay for medical bills and wages while you are unable to work due to your injury. This article will explain more about workers comp and what it covers as well as what it doesn’t cover.

List of Contents

Is Workers Compensation Insurance the Same as Employer-Based Insurance?

Employer-based insurance, also known as workman’s compensation, is not the same thing as workers compensation insurance. Employer-based insurance is an insurance policy that employers get to protect themselves in case their employees are injured at work. Workers compensation insurance is an insurance that employees get to protect themselves in case they are injured at work. Employer-based insurance is mandatory for all employers in the state where they operate. You must get this insurance in order to employ people in your business. Workers compensation is voluntary for employees and optional for employers. Workers compensation insurance is paid for by both the employer and the employee. In some states, workers compensation is a no-fault system. That means that people who get injured at work don’t sue their employers for negligence. In those states, workers comp is a no-fault system.

What Does Workers Compensation Cover?

The idea behind workers compensation insurance is that every worker in a state is required to have insurance that would cover the medical bills and lost wages resulting from an injury at work. In most cases, workers comp covers work-related injuries and illnesses. This can include things like a slip-and-fall on the job, manufacturing-related injuries, illnesses contracted on the job, and many others. It is important to remember though that workers compensation does not cover all injuries sustained at work. If you are injured at work and your injury is not considered “work-related,” you may not be able to make a claim. The following is a general list of what workers compensation covers:

– Injuries sustained while on the job – including slips and falls

– Work-related illnesses in some states

– Death benefits for family members if you die on the job

– Medical care and rehabilitation

– Wages if you can’t work due to your injury

What Doesn’t Workers Compensation Cover?

– Injuries that are not related to work – For example, if you get into a car accident on your way to work and are injured, those injuries are not covered by workers comp. If a friend hits you with a baseball bat at work and breaks your arm, that is work-related, so it would be covered by workers comp.

– Off-the-clock injuries – If you get injured while doing something related to your job but you are not on the clock (for example, moving a piece of equipment that you were going to use the next day), it is not covered by workers compensation.

– Criminal activities – If you get injured during a robbery or other criminal activity at work, that injury is not covered by workers comp.

– Recreational activities – If you injure yourself while doing something on the side that has nothing to do with your job, that injury is not covered by workers compensation. It can also be tricky if you get injured while doing something related to work that you are not authorized to do. For example, if you work in construction and get injured while helping a friend who is also in construction, you may be out of luck.

How to Find a Lawyer for Injured Workers

If you have a serious injury, it may be a good idea to contact a lawyer about workers compensation insurance. You can find a lawyer by doing an internet search for “Workers Compensation Attorney,” calling your state bar association, or asking friends and family for recommendations. Before you choose a lawyer, make sure you check out their credentials and experience. Ask the lawyer about how they charge for their services. If you have a serious injury, you may want to hire what is called a “fee-based attorney.” This means that you pay the lawyer a one-time fee based on your income, not an hourly fee. If you don’t have a serious injury, you may want to consider an “approved counsel” program. These are legal aid programs that help injured workers for free or at a reduced cost. You can find approved counsel programs by doing an internet search for “approved counsel programs” or “workers comp legal aid.”

Tips to Stay Safe at Work

– Be aware of your surroundings and your fellow workers. Be careful not to get in the way, and don’t let others get in your way. If you see something dangerous, call attention to it.

– Make sure your equipment is in good working order. Report broken machines or other issues to your supervisor.

– Always follow the safety rules, even if they are inconvenient or make your job take longer.

– If you get hurt, go to the doctor right away and report your injury to your supervisor.

Final Words

If you are going to work in what is considered dangerous conditions, it is best to get workers compensation insurance to protect against the risk of injury. Workers compensation insurance will make sure you receive the medical care you need and that you receive the money you need to support yourself while you are unable to work due to the injury. It is important to remember that workers compensation insurance does not cover everything. You should be aware of the risks in your work environment and take steps to protect yourself from injury. If you get injured at work, it is important to report it as soon as possible.

Marlowe Law Can Help

If you have any further questions about workers compensation insurance, please reach out to us today. We look forward to doing everything we can to help you get the compensation and service you deserve.