Applying for and receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI benefits can be a stressful, overwhelming, and lengthy process. Unfortunately a large majority of applicants are denied Social Security Disability benefits in the initial stages of the process. A skilled Social Security Disability attorney can help ensure that the application for benefits is properly filed, assist in the appeals process, and at the hearing stages if required. If you have more specific questions or would like to discuss your workers’ compensation case, contact my office.

Social Security Disability Attorney

There are no up front costs to you. We only receive a fee if you win your case and are awarded benefits – so you have nothing to lose.

The stages for an application for Social Security Disability are :

  1. Initial application for benefits
  2. Initial denial appeal – Request for reconsideration
  3. Appeal reconsideration – Hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ)
  4. Request for review by the Appeals Council of an ALJ’s negative decision
  5. File suit in Federal court to appeal the Appeals Council’s negative decision

Ideally benefits are awarded to the applicant at the above stages 1, 2, or 3. The success of your application is based on whether or not your disability meets the requirements or disability listings established by the Social Security Administration. Determining if you qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits is based on factors such as the disability itself, age, education, past occupation and work experience, and ability to perform other work.

A skilled Social Security Disability attorney can assist you in navigating the application process and help ensure that your application for Social Security Disability benefits is supported with the appropriate medical records and evidence in order to increase the chances of the Social Security Administrating awarding you with Social Security Disability benefits.